He has settled into working the night shift and actually likes it because of the "peace and quiet" and ability to get more done with less distractions. Mortar attacks come in about every 3 days to remind them they are in a war zone.... not exactly what a mom likes to hear, but they are somewhat protected by these giant "sandbags" everywhere.

If you have ever complained about your house being too small, look at these living quarters.... 2 guys to a connex... Home Sweet Home. This is Pauls side of the connex.... guess they didn't have inspection that day :)

November 29th was Paul's 27th birthday! One to remember, celebrating so far from home! We're looking forward to seeing him over the holidays on his "break".... usually it comes much later in their "tour", but all the later slots were taken... so we'll gladly have him home for the holidays!
Thanks for all your prayers for him and all our soldiers! "Peace on Earth, Good Will Toward All" takes on new meaning this year having a son in a war zone! May peace triumph evil! Blessings to all!