In searching around on the internet today, I found this page that tells more about Basic Training, which is what Paul will be in for 8 more weeks... it answered some of the questions I had. If you are wondering what they do, check out
We got our first letter from him and he sounded good. He said the first week was "hard, but he was sticking with everything and looking forward to the coming weeks of Basic." He also said "I have been pushing myself past limits that I thought I had.".... good advice for all of us! We are proud of him and know this will be a good experience for him.
Thank you for your prayers for him... I know they are giving him strength.
So glad yall heard from sweet Paul and that he sounded good. I wrote him this week and will write him again tomorrow. I know how much those letters mean to them! Patrick told me it was the PRAYERS and the LETTERS that got him through Boot Camp! ....Blessings! Jan xxoo <><