Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Lock it up or lose it

We've gotten 3 letters this week from Paul which sound like they've been written over a week's time period. This past week they have been learning how to "zero" their guns to their own sight and shoot accurately... on the shooting range Paul said he got 29/30, 28/30, and 36/40 right. If he gets a perfect 40/40 then he'll get an overnight pass for Graduation night! We're hoping and praying for that! I had to laugh at one incident that he wrote about. He said that this past weekend their drill sergeant woke them up at 2:40 a.m. and tossed any locker that was unlocked! Fortunately he didn't lose any of his stuff! But, it made me think that I should have employed similar tactics when I tried to get him to clean his room!!
They have finished the first 3-week phase of Basic (learning the 7 Army values & working out), and are well into their second phase (shooting and tactical movements) of training. In fact, this is week 5 of 9 1/2 weeks of Basic, so we're at the half-way mark! Week 6-9 they will work on their own and have to do a 7-day camp out where they run situations of real missions. Graduation will be the end of May, so we're looking forward to that milestone!
Thank you all for prayers for him and writing him...once he even said the letters help him forget about the knee pain he has! He greatly appreciates all the letters and even wrote Aaron that he got the most mail the first time they distributed it! One funny incident (at least to us) was that some of the drill sergeants make them do push-ups for mail depending on the postage on the package. The Sunday he received the package with his Bible that he'd requested, his package had the most postage out of 240 people, so he had to do 100 pushups to get the box! At least he was "suffering" for a good cause!
Thanks for checking in!

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