Well, as far as I know, (and I say that because plans changed about 5 times before last Sunday), Paul shipped out to Iraq on 10-10-10.....last Sunday, October 10, 2010. The Army says that he may be there anywhere from 10 - 15 months.... it's an ever-changing plan....
He called us Sunday morning at 8 a.m. and was waiting for the bus to take them to the airport in Topeka, Kansas. They'd been up since 3 a.m. They initially were to head to Kuwait, and then in several weeks are to head to Forward Operating Base (FOB) Warrior in Kirkuk, Iraq, where he'll be stationed.
In the end, he was glad that he was being deployed.... after all, this is what they train for, and he was ready to see something other than Alabama and Kansas :) However, that sandbox in Iraq may seem dusty and hot pretty quickly. Please pray for all our soldiers who are deployed all over the world.... some in less desirable locations than we enjoy! His new address in Iraq (not Kuwait) is posted to the right, and since it can take 5-10 days to get a letter to him, you could write and he'd have mail waiting on him once he arrived. But I'd hold off sending any packages until we know for sure he is there. He wasn't sure when we'd be able to communicate by email or Skype...
Paul got to come home for two weeks in late September, so I'm adding a few pictures from that visit. Thank you for your prayers, concern and love for him. We'll keep you posted as we know more, and hopefully Paul will add posts and pictures of his own to this blog.
Blessings to all.... Cyndi & Harris
May you forever be safe and protected, Paul.