Thursday, April 9, 2009

How do you clear your sinuses?

Well, we got another letter from Paul today.... seems he's been suffering from clogged sinuses and hurting legs. The medicine the clinic was giving him for his nose was not too effective, so he's toughing it out. However, they did have one training experience that seemed to help.... they had to go into a gas chamber, remove their gas masks, say their name, rank and serial number, and breathe in, the time they exited the gas chamber, and quit coughing!!!...........his sinuses were clear!!

He sounded good and said he REALLY appreciates all the cards and letters he's received. They really boost his spirits and I know he looks forward to what might be in the mailbox each day. Thank you for taking time to write to him.

Well, he's almost got 3 weeks under his belt... only 6 1/2 to go. Graduation is May 29th and we'll be driving over for that.... I think he'll get a few days off, but probably won't be able to stray far from base, as his training will start the next week.

We're looking forward to seeing Aaron down at Gulf Shores, AL, next week. Some friends of his (who are from Alabama but currently live in England) are home for vacation and spending some time at the beach. Since Masayo is traveling soon to Japan to see her friends and family, Aaron decided to come see his friends at the beach. Harris and I will drive down for a day or two and hopefully get to spend some time with Aaron and catch up on all he's been up to. It is so nice having him and Masayo in the States again.... just being in similar time-zones is a welcome change!

They are loving California and Aaron loves his job with Yahoo! We hope to get out and visit them this summer.

Thanks for reading this post and for your prayers and concern and encouragement for my boys and their loved ones!!

Have a blessed Easter! Love, Cyndi

1 comment:

  1. That is the FUNNIEST story about the gas mask! Glad his sinus are now "blown out"!!!Patrick told us that was NOT his favorite part of Basic Training either! Cyndi, Patrick said most of the guys were sick the whole time he was in Boot Camp!Including him. Being in such close quarters, I'm not surprised that they get sick so often. (Patrick is just getting over strep himself!). Hopefully, Paul will stay well the rest of his 6 weeks!...Thank you for updating! I meant to tell him NOT to try and write me back--I know the small amount of time he has to write he wants to write his family! I just know how much Patrick said those letters from home meant, too. Did I ever tell you that Pat's Drill Sargent (called something else in the Navy but I forget! HAHA), anyway, he said, "FRY! How many more letter can you get in one day!" hahaha! Oh! one more thing, ask Paul if there is anyone that he knows that DOESN"T get letters? I would love to write them, too. Patrick had some bunk mates that didn't get mail and I wrote them and some of their letters made me just cry they were so appreciative and sweet! you and love your soldier!!! InJoy! jan xxoo
